Kindergarten room

All-School Focus on Service

The month of January has been focused on service. As part of our school Mission, BFS "instills the value of caring for others and our world," there have been numerous service opportunities this month across the grades. Last week, all grades were involved in two service opportunities - the drive for the MLK Day service project to provide breakfast bags and toiletry bags in support of the Bucks County Housing Group, 3rd Grade's card for the UUH Outreach, and the all-school assembly creating soup jars for the food pantry at Fisherman's Mark. Additionally, the Lower School has been holding their annual hat and mitten drive for Fisherman's Mark. It has been wonderful to see the students excited to support these local non-profits and find ways to meaningfully give back to the community.
MLK Day Service Project MLK Day Service Project
Soup Jars Assembly UUH Outreach