7th Grade Wallops Island

Joint Environmental Mission Day 2023

BFS celebrated JEM Day last Thursday! Teachers and students learned more about the history of the Joint Environmental Mission (JEM) program which was formed in 1991. What started as a pen pal program between School n.213 in Leningrad and BFS, eventually expanded to include partnerships and communities in eight countries spanning six continents, and involving nearly 50 travel exchanges. Each grade spent time last Thursday learning about previous JEM trips, hearing from our 7th and 8th Grade JEM Ambassadors about what they've learned about Costa Rica in preparation for their trip next month, and engaging in lessons and activities related to JEM's mission. JEM Coordinator, Laura Downs, even organized a JEM Museum in the Atrium for all the students to visit and see artifacts from our rich JEM history!
JEM Day 2023 JEM Day 2023
JEM Day 2023 JEM Day 2023
JEM Day 2023 JEM Day 2023